What is Somatic Experiencing Therapy? How does it work?

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Peter Levine, designed to address the impact of trauma on both the mind and body. As mental health therapists, our clinic utilizes SE to help clients understand and process their experiences by focusing on the physiological aspects of trauma. Here are the core principles and techniques involved in Somatic Experiencing:

  1. Understanding Trauma: SE recognizes that trauma is not just a mental experience, but it is also stored in the body. By addressing both psychological and Somatic aspects, we can work towards holistic healing.

  2. Regulating the Nervous System: The goal of SE is to help clients achieve a regulated nervous system. Trauma can lead to dysregulation, causing symptoms such as anxiety, hypervigilance, or dissociation. Through SE, clients learn strategies to ground themselves and return to a state of balance.

  3. Cultivating Somatic Awareness: Clients are encouraged to develop awareness of their bodily sensations, emotions, and movements. This practice helps them identify where trauma may be manifested physically, facilitating a deeper understanding of their emotional responses.

  4. Pendulation: This technique involves guiding clients to alternate between sensations of discomfort (related to trauma) and sensations of safety. This process helps them learn to regulate their emotional states and gradually process difficult feelings.

  5. Titration: SE emphasizes the importance of addressing trauma in small, manageable pieces. By breaking down overwhelming experiences into smaller parts, clients can explore their feelings without becoming re-traumatized.

  6. Completing Incomplete Responses: Trauma can leave individuals with unresolved responses to perceived threats, such as the instinctual reactions of fight, flight, or freeze. SE helps clients complete these natural responses, allowing them to process and integrate their trauma effectively.

  7. Empowerment and Resilience: Through SE, clients often cultivate a greater sense of empowerment and resilience. They learn to trust their bodies and emotions, fostering a stronger mind-body connection that facilitates healing.

  8. Integration of Mind-Body Techniques: SE incorporates mindfulness, breath work, and body awareness practices, helping clients connect with their physical sensations and emotional states to promote healing.

As mental health therapists, we find Somatic Experiencing particularly effective for individuals dealing with trauma, PTSD, anxiety, and other emotional challenges. This approach acknowledges the integral role of the body in mental health, providing clients with a comprehensive framework for healing and recovery.